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Getting into Fleurian Festivities

Hello Foraged and Fleurians! I hope all is well as we enter the warmer months and we start turning our minds to C-C-Christmas! There is no need to panic! I will have you covered for floral goodies and gifts but I will be in touch about those ideas as we edge closer... this email is mainly to talk about events... Christmas parties, staff parties, family do's... It's the season for merriment and if you (or someone you know- please send them my way!) need a larger format floral project please get in touch ASAP as dates are limited!  What am I talking about? You can expect the same goodness you know and love from foraged and fleurs... fresh, Australian-grown market...

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A creative, rambling space...

A few years ago now, my husband Toby took some photos to accompany this story on The (fabulous) Planthunter by his cousin Kate Shannon. This is my round about way of telling you that because of that he penned a bio where he wrote about himself: "Having recently married a passionate home gardener, he is enjoying time in their new backyard and forming a creative, rambling space for their family (and plants!) to grow." At the time we had one son and were just 'turning the sod' at our house and garden having recently moved from an apartment. As I take a brief reprieve whilst my daughter has a (brief) nap I look around at my bouncy nasturtiums, brilliant yellow...

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